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A. Quá trình đào tạo
B. Chứng chỉ ngắn hạn
C. Công tác
D. Đề tài Nghiên cứu khoa học
1. Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của yếu tố phần cứng không hoàn hảo trên mạng chuyển tiếp có thu hoạch năng lượng vô tuyến và hạn chế công suất phát.. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2020-03/2021). Chủ nhiệm
2. Nâng cao hiệu năng mạng vô tuyến chuyển tiếp sử dụng các giao thức truyền đa chặng cộng tác dưới sự tác động của giao thoa đồng kênh và suy giảm phần cứng. Đề tài Nafosted, (12/2017-12/2020). Tham gia
E. Công trình tiêu biểu
1. Analysis of outage probability and intercept probability trade-off for secure two-way relaying schemes between two clusters of nodes using fountain codes. Journal of Science and Technique, ISSN 1859-0209, Vol. 13/2, pp. 121-135. (2025-01-23)
2. Designing multi-hop relaying schemes in cluster networks under constraint of intercept probability with presence of multiple eavesdroppers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, ISSN 1865-3537, Vol. 1, pp. 719-728. (2024-07-13)
3. On the Performance of the Relay Selection in Multi-hop Cluster-based Wireless Networks with Multiple Eavesdroppers Under Equally Correlated Rayleigh Fading. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, ISSN 24100218, Vol. 11(3), pp. 1-12. (2024-05-02)
4. Security-reliability tradeoff of MIMO TAS/SC networks using harvest-to-jam cooperative jamming methods with random jammer location. ICT Express, ISSN 2405-9595, Vol. 9(1), pp. 63-68. (2023-02-20)
5. Outage Performance of Interference Cancellation-Aided Two-Way Relaying Cognitive Network with Primary TAS/SC Communication and Secondary Partial Relay Selection. Electronics, ISSN 2079-9292, Vol. 11/22, pp. 3645. (2022-11-08)
6. Throughput analysis of power beacon-aided multi-hop MIMO relaying networks employing NOMA and TAS/SC. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), ISSN 1693-6930 (SCOPUS), Vol. 20(4), pp. 731-739. (2022-01-01)
7. Performance evaluation of cognitive multi-hop networks to assist building system. Journal of Science Technology and Food, ISSN 0866-8132, Vol. 21(1), pp. 15-22. (2021-01-01)
8. Intercept probability analysis in DF time switching full-duplex relaying network with impact of Co-channel interference at the eavesdropper. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, ISSN 1693-6930 (SCOPUS), Vol. 18 (5), pp. 2235-2240. (2020-01-01)
9. Analysis of Security-Reliability Trade-off for Multi-hop Cognitive Relaying Protocol with TAS/SC Technique. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, ISSN 2415-6698 (SCOPUS), Vol. 5/5, pp. 54-62. (2020-01-01)
10. Outage Performance of Power Beacon-Aided Multi-hop Cooperative Cognitive Radio Protocol Under Constraint of Interference and Hardware Noises. Electronics, ISSN 2079-9292 (ISI), Vol. 9(6), pp. 1054. (2020-01-01)
11. Performance evaluation of two-way with energy harvesting and hardware noises. Digital Communications and Networks, ISSN 2352-8648,2468-5925 (ISI). (2020-01-01)
12. On the secrecy outage probability and performance trade-off of the multi-hop cognitive relay networks. Telecommunication Systems, ISSN 1572-9451 (ISI), Vol. 73(3), pp. 349-358. (2020-01-01)
13. Secrecy Performance Enhancement Using Path Selection over Cluster-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, ISSN 1867-8211 (SCOPUS), Vol. 293. (2019-01-01)
14. Phân Tích Hiệu Năng Mạng Chuyển Tiếp Đa Chặng Sử Dụng NOMA Dưới Sự Ảnh Hưởng Của Giao Thoa Đồng Kênh Và Khiếm Khuyết Phần Cứng. Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ XXII về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin, ISBN 978-604-80-4338-4, tập 2, trang 106-111. (2019-01-01)
15. Performance of Cluster-based Cognitive Multihop Networks under Joint Impact of Hardware Noises and Non-identical Primary Co-channel Interference. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, ISSN 1693-6930 (SCOPUS), Vol. 17(1). (2019-01-01)
16. End‐to‐end security‐reliability analysis of multi‐hop cognitive relaying protocol with TAS/SC‐based primary communication, total interference constraint and asymmetric fading channels. International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN 1099-1131 (ISI), Vol. 32(2), pp. 1-16. (2019-01-01)
17. Secrecy performance of TAS/SC-based multi-hop harvest-to-transmit cognitive WSNs under joint constraint of interference and hardware imperfection. Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220 (ISI), Vol. 19(5), pp. 1160. (2019-01-01)
18. Security versus Reliability Study for Multi-hop Cognitive M2M Networks With Joint Impact of Interference Constraint and Hardware Noises. International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), ISSN 2162-1039 (ISI). (2018-01-01)
19. Throughput Analysis of Power Beacon-Aided Multi-hop Relaying Networks Employing Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access With Hardware Impairments. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1876-1100 (SCOPUS), Vol. 554. (2018-01-01)
20. Energy harvesting assisted cognitive radio: random location-based transceivers scheme and performance analysis. Telecommunication Systems, ISSN 1018-4864 (ISI), Vol. 65(2), pp. 123–132. (2017-01-01)
21. Wireless powered underlay cognitive radio network with multiple primary transceivers: Energy constraint, node arrangement, and performance analysis. International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN 1099-1131 (ISI), Vol. 30(18), pp. 1-11. (2017-01-01)
22. Security–Reliability Analysis for a Cognitive Multi-hop Protocol in Cluster Networks with Hardware Imperfections. IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, ISSN 2287-5255, Vol. 6(3), pp. 200-209. (2017-01-01)
F. Thông tin khác
2022 | Tiến sĩ, ĐH Sư phạm Kỹ thuật TPHCM |
1999 | Đại học , Trường Đại học Bách Khoa TPHCM |
2004 | Đại học , Trường Đại học Bách Khoa TPHCM |
2010 | Thạc sĩ , Trường Đại học Bách Khoa TPHCM |
2023 | Tập huấn viết báo cáo tự đánh giá theo phiên bản 4.0, Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TPHCM |
2023 | Diễn đàn ABET: Giới thiệu giá trị và thành công của Chứng nhận ABET, BUILD-IT |
2019 | Chứng chỉ bồi dưỡng giảng viên chính, Học viện Quản lý Giáo dục |
2017 | Chứng chỉ TOEIC, IIG |
2013 | Chứng chỉ bồi dưỡng nghiệp vụ sư phạm, Trường Đại học Sài Gòn |
2013 | Chứng chỉ bồi dưỡng nghiệp bậc cao, Cao đẳng kĩ thuật Fulton, Đại học Arizona, US |
1999-2010 | Kỹ sư thiết kế, Phòng nghiên cứu phát triển. Công ty Ứng dụng Kỹ thuật và Sản xuất TECAPRO |
2010-2023 | Giảng viên, Khoa Điện tử. Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TPHCM |
05/2023-Hiện tại | Trưởng bộ môn, Khoa Công nghệ Điện tử. Trường Đại học Công nghiệp TPHCM |
1. Nghiên cứu ảnh hưởng của yếu tố phần cứng không hoàn hảo trên mạng chuyển tiếp có thu hoạch năng lượng vô tuyến và hạn chế công suất phát.. Đề tài cấp trường, (03/2020-03/2021). Chủ nhiệm
2. Nâng cao hiệu năng mạng vô tuyến chuyển tiếp sử dụng các giao thức truyền đa chặng cộng tác dưới sự tác động của giao thoa đồng kênh và suy giảm phần cứng. Đề tài Nafosted, (12/2017-12/2020). Tham gia
E. Công trình tiêu biểu
1. Analysis of outage probability and intercept probability trade-off for secure two-way relaying schemes between two clusters of nodes using fountain codes. Journal of Science and Technique, ISSN 1859-0209, Vol. 13/2, pp. 121-135. (2025-01-23)
2. Designing multi-hop relaying schemes in cluster networks under constraint of intercept probability with presence of multiple eavesdroppers. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies, ISSN 1865-3537, Vol. 1, pp. 719-728. (2024-07-13)
3. On the Performance of the Relay Selection in Multi-hop Cluster-based Wireless Networks with Multiple Eavesdroppers Under Equally Correlated Rayleigh Fading. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, ISSN 24100218, Vol. 11(3), pp. 1-12. (2024-05-02)
4. Security-reliability tradeoff of MIMO TAS/SC networks using harvest-to-jam cooperative jamming methods with random jammer location. ICT Express, ISSN 2405-9595, Vol. 9(1), pp. 63-68. (2023-02-20)
5. Outage Performance of Interference Cancellation-Aided Two-Way Relaying Cognitive Network with Primary TAS/SC Communication and Secondary Partial Relay Selection. Electronics, ISSN 2079-9292, Vol. 11/22, pp. 3645. (2022-11-08)
6. Throughput analysis of power beacon-aided multi-hop MIMO relaying networks employing NOMA and TAS/SC. Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), ISSN 1693-6930 (SCOPUS), Vol. 20(4), pp. 731-739. (2022-01-01)
7. Performance evaluation of cognitive multi-hop networks to assist building system. Journal of Science Technology and Food, ISSN 0866-8132, Vol. 21(1), pp. 15-22. (2021-01-01)
8. Intercept probability analysis in DF time switching full-duplex relaying network with impact of Co-channel interference at the eavesdropper. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, ISSN 1693-6930 (SCOPUS), Vol. 18 (5), pp. 2235-2240. (2020-01-01)
9. Analysis of Security-Reliability Trade-off for Multi-hop Cognitive Relaying Protocol with TAS/SC Technique. Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, ISSN 2415-6698 (SCOPUS), Vol. 5/5, pp. 54-62. (2020-01-01)
10. Outage Performance of Power Beacon-Aided Multi-hop Cooperative Cognitive Radio Protocol Under Constraint of Interference and Hardware Noises. Electronics, ISSN 2079-9292 (ISI), Vol. 9(6), pp. 1054. (2020-01-01)
11. Performance evaluation of two-way with energy harvesting and hardware noises. Digital Communications and Networks, ISSN 2352-8648,2468-5925 (ISI). (2020-01-01)
12. On the secrecy outage probability and performance trade-off of the multi-hop cognitive relay networks. Telecommunication Systems, ISSN 1572-9451 (ISI), Vol. 73(3), pp. 349-358. (2020-01-01)
13. Secrecy Performance Enhancement Using Path Selection over Cluster-Based Cognitive Radio Networks. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, ISSN 1867-8211 (SCOPUS), Vol. 293. (2019-01-01)
14. Phân Tích Hiệu Năng Mạng Chuyển Tiếp Đa Chặng Sử Dụng NOMA Dưới Sự Ảnh Hưởng Của Giao Thoa Đồng Kênh Và Khiếm Khuyết Phần Cứng. Hội nghị Quốc gia lần thứ XXII về Điện tử, Truyền thông và Công nghệ Thông tin, ISBN 978-604-80-4338-4, tập 2, trang 106-111. (2019-01-01)
15. Performance of Cluster-based Cognitive Multihop Networks under Joint Impact of Hardware Noises and Non-identical Primary Co-channel Interference. TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication, Computing, Electronics and Control, ISSN 1693-6930 (SCOPUS), Vol. 17(1). (2019-01-01)
16. End‐to‐end security‐reliability analysis of multi‐hop cognitive relaying protocol with TAS/SC‐based primary communication, total interference constraint and asymmetric fading channels. International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN 1099-1131 (ISI), Vol. 32(2), pp. 1-16. (2019-01-01)
17. Secrecy performance of TAS/SC-based multi-hop harvest-to-transmit cognitive WSNs under joint constraint of interference and hardware imperfection. Sensors, ISSN 1424-8220 (ISI), Vol. 19(5), pp. 1160. (2019-01-01)
18. Security versus Reliability Study for Multi-hop Cognitive M2M Networks With Joint Impact of Interference Constraint and Hardware Noises. International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC), ISSN 2162-1039 (ISI). (2018-01-01)
19. Throughput Analysis of Power Beacon-Aided Multi-hop Relaying Networks Employing Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access With Hardware Impairments. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, ISSN 1876-1100 (SCOPUS), Vol. 554. (2018-01-01)
20. Energy harvesting assisted cognitive radio: random location-based transceivers scheme and performance analysis. Telecommunication Systems, ISSN 1018-4864 (ISI), Vol. 65(2), pp. 123–132. (2017-01-01)
21. Wireless powered underlay cognitive radio network with multiple primary transceivers: Energy constraint, node arrangement, and performance analysis. International Journal of Communication Systems, ISSN 1099-1131 (ISI), Vol. 30(18), pp. 1-11. (2017-01-01)
22. Security–Reliability Analysis for a Cognitive Multi-hop Protocol in Cluster Networks with Hardware Imperfections. IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing, ISSN 2287-5255, Vol. 6(3), pp. 200-209. (2017-01-01)
F. Thông tin khác
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