Hội thảo SSPS2025 - lần 7, do Khoa CN Điện tử đồng tổ chức đang mời gọi nộp bài. Hội thảo này được chấp thuận xuất bản trên Springer book series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus, INSPEC, SCImago; với nhiều diễn giả đầu ngành trong và ngoài nước.
Hội thảo diễn ra từ ngày 16-18/05/2025.
Giới thiệu về hội thảo:
SSPS is an annual meeting that includes invited talks, oral presentations and poster presentations of refereed papers, live presentation, as well as video presentation as well. First conference was held in Beijing (2019) during September 20-22, 2019 successfully. Second, Third, and Fourth conference were held virtually due to the pandemic. Fifth SSPS2023 conference was held as a hybrid event in Guangzhou and also through online platform. 2025 7th International Symposium on Signal Processing Systems (SSPS 2025) will be held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam during May 16-18, 2025. We invite submissions of papers and abstracts on all topics related to Signal Processing Systems. It aims to bring together diversity of authors and speakers from many nations and regions to share ideas and new perspectives in both theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing.
Chi tiết hội thảo: https://www.ssps.net/index.html